F1GP-Ed Documentation
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DATAFILE (string - example: DATAFILE=1999.f1gp)
This command to tells F1GP-Ed to load a specific datafile, rather than
using the defaults. This command supercedes the "Autoload" feature found
in previous versions of F1GP-Ed.
LOADF1GP (switch)
Runs F1GP automatically. This basically executes this command: "Run
>NIL: <gamefile>", where <gamefile> is the contents of the F1GP Binary
gadget and is loaded from the config file. By default the command will be
"run >NIL: f1gp_disk_#2:f1gp".
DELAY (number - example: DELAY=150)
Delay the starting of F1GP-Ed by a specified number of ticks (50 per
second - e.g. 150 ticks = 3 seconds). This is mainly of use when using the
LOADF1GP option and will delay any initial patch installations or memory
saves. For example, if you use the LOADF1GP and SAVETOMEM options together
and F1GP-Ed complains that F1GP isn't in memory then use this feature to
give the operating system time start F1GP.
SAVETOMEM (switch)
Basically, performs the same function as the Save to Memory Project menu
PATCH (switch)
Installs all memory patches, as per the Install Patches Memory menu
item. If NOGUI is also specified, then F1GP-Ed will wait until F1GP quits
before it terminates.
QUIT (switch)
This makes F1GP-Ed quit automatically when you exit the game. This
always happens when using the PATCH and NOGUI options together, so this
option has no effect in that case.
FONT (string - example: FONT=topaz.font)
Choose a font for F1GP-Ed to use. If not specified the default screen
font will be used. Note that if the specified font or the screen font are
too large to be used for certain windows (ie the resulting window would not
fit on the screen), Topaz 8 will be used.
FONTSIZE (number - example: FONTSIZE=8)
Specify the size (height) of the font specified by the FONT command.
PUBSCREEN (string - example: PUBSCREEN=Workbench)
Specify a public screen for F1GP-Ed to open on. By default, the public
screen is the Workbench screen.
KEYPATH (string - example: KEYPATH=S:)
Select the path from which to load the "F1GP-Ed.key" file (if you have
registered). If not specified F1GP-Ed will look for the keyfile in the
current directory.
HELPFILE (string - example: HELPFILE=PROGDIR:F1GP-Ed_deutsch.guide)
Select the location of the F1GP-Ed AmigaGuide file. By default this is
F1GP-Ed_english.guide in the same drawer as F1GP-Ed (current directory on
Kickstart 1.x)
When opening windows on startup, they will not be activated. And if you
preferences are for F1GP-Ed to use a custom screen, then that screen will
not be brought to the front.
NOGUI (switch)
Do not open any windows, thus disabling user interaction.
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.